Monday, April 30, 2007

Ice Cream Sunday

On Sunday Heather, Baby Xan, Uncle Harold and Great Grandpa came down. Grandma and Papa came over and after lunch we all made homemade ice cream! Gavin was a good cranker (hey, you have to work if you want to eat) and patiently waited until it was done. Right before the ice cream was done Grandpa Jim came back from fishing and look what he caught!!

1 comment:

Ramona said...

Hi April!!!! I found your blog. It's great to see some more pictures of you and your family. Live over here is getting more and more busy. Just done planting the potatoes, sugar beets are already showing. Weather has been too warm and to dry in the past 2 months, so everything outside is about 2 weeks early this year. Talk to you again soon,