Sunday, February 17, 2008

The toy room is done!!!!

We put metal flashing on one wall so the boys could play with all their magnet toys there instead of in my way in the kitchen! The stairstep shelving unit is all tractors, and the other one is just toys. The bookshelf holds games, puzzles and books. So far Gavin loves it! I took pictures of each wall and then a general picture looking in the room from the doorway.

Friday, January 25, 2008

We made a decision

After much debate and asking lots of people's opinions we made a decision.....the boys will share a room and the other room will be a toy room! :banana: It's like a huge weight is gone since we decided this. And the storage I want for the toy room is even on sale this week, now to just get to Target and get it.

(Are you happy Jeanne?)